School Uniform
Parents should provide their child/children with school uniform in order that we can promote our school within the community.
Cardigans, sweatshirts and T shirts with the school logo are available from:
- Brigade Clothing Limited www.brigadeuniformdirect.uk.com
- School Trends www.schooltrends.co.uk
Occasionally, items of clothing may be provided through our ‘preloved uniform’ resources. Please speak to the school office, if you would like further information.
For Health & Safety reasons, we discourage children from wearing jewellery, especially earrings. Children who have already had their ears pierced may wear small studs but the child must remove them for PE.
Winter & Spring Term

- White polo shirt (school logo optional)
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (school logo optional)
- Charcoal grey school trousers or shorts
- Knee-length grey skirt or grey pinafore dress
- White or grey socks or grey tights
- Sensible black shoes (no heels, boots or open toes. The school recognises that school shoe/trainer hybrids are available. Where parents choose to take up this option, they should be completely black i.e. – no colour or white logos). Parents are requested not to send their children in fashion shoes that have a high or narrow heel, that offer little support or protection for the feet or that hinder natural movement in playtime.
- Long hair should be tied back
Summer Term

- Light blue gingham summer dress
- White polo shirt (school logo optional)
- Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (school logo optional)
- Charcoal grey school shorts
- Knee-length grey skirt or grey pinafore dress
- White or grey socks
- Sensible black shoes (no heels, boots or open toes. The school recognises that school shoe/trainer hybrids are available. Where parents choose to take up this option, they should be completely black i.e. – no colour or white logos). Parents are requested not to send their children in fashion shoes that have a high or narrow heel, that offer little support or protection for the feet or that hinder natural movement in playtime.
- Long hair should be tied back
PE Kit

- White round neck or polo t-shirt
- Navy blue traditional shorts (not cycle shorts)
- Trainers
- White socks
- Navy blue tracksuit (school logo optional)
- For indoor sessions such as gymnastics and dance, pupils will wear a t-shirt, shorts and bare feet and for outdoor sessions such as games, athletics, or adventure and challenge activities they will wear trainers in addition to their white top and shorts with a tracksuit added during colder weather.
- Please ensure that children have their PE kit in school at all times. It should be kept in a durable, named bag that can be hung up on coat hooks.
Book Bag
- Navy blue book bag (KS1)